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Things Every New Student Should Know about Having a great time in School

Students reading thing every new student should know

The school community is a place for learning and interaction and as such provides the necessary stimulus for individual development. The school community covers both staff and students and would require that everyone is involved in one way or the other to reduce or totally eliminate frustrating  experiences.

For a new student, the school environment could seem strange,  boring and likely bring about frustration. Especially where such students had lived sheltered lives or are extroverts by nature. 

This means  such a  student must muster up courage to mix with others, and participate in all the activities of the school. Dismal academic performance could result from not being able to meet up with the expectations of their teachers, while disciplinary issues could spring up from an inability to stick to stipulations of the  school. 
All these could make life frustrating for a new student. 

Below are some tips that will make school time more enjoyable. 

Study the school's guidelines and policies. 

You must understand that every school has a set of codes or policy guiding such institution which is applicable or binding on all whether staff or student. When these policies are not properly understood, it leads to frustration. So, every new student should make it a point of duty to properly read and understand existing policy statement. 

Ask questions where necessary 

It is the duty of every student to ask relevant questions where necessary to forestall getting themselves into tricky situations which would spell doom in the end for the student. 

Asking questions around campus for directions is the surest way of not heading the wrong direction. Also,  the stress of having to redo a particular thing again due to the fact that it was wrongfully done the first time. Another benefit it confers on the student is the fact that friendships could be forged from such interactions with peer. 

Attend classes regularly 

Attendance to classes positions a student for excellence. Although, it does not automatically translate to academic success, it paves the way for the necessary interactions upon which friendship, learning and personal development takes place and sets the student on the path of academic success and joy. 

This feeling of joy comes with acceptance, involvement and accomplishment and,  builds up the student's confidence in himself. This kind of  joy is gotten from regular class attendance. 

Join forums and clubs that promote integration 

Every student who wants to enjoy the companionship of friends and peer should join forums, clubs and groups that promote their particular interest like reading, swimming, dancing, Sports Club or any other activity that takes away the stress of day to day academic work. 

. Avoid walking alone in lonely routes

Most times, we choose to keep to ourselves. While it is okay, it can also backfire. This is of security importance as cases of rape and molestation occur within school campuses. 

For a peaceful stay in school, only take lonely paths when in the company of friends, and course mates. Alternatively, you can take such routes when you are sure you are within the view of other students coming behind you.

. Stay away from parties

The lure as young students especially as girls is to want to attend parties. The fun and carefree lifestyle of parties expose young girls to alcohol, drug use, and even rape. In my freshman year, someone followed me on my way home from a friend's party.

Thankfully, I was clear-headed as I stayed away from the temptation to take the fruit juices which had been spiked with alcohol, so I able to lose the stalker.  This was an eye-opener for me the experience helped to make me stay away from parties as much as  possible


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