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Showing posts with the label Gender education

Education and Gender: Bridging the Gap Across Two Parallels

Over time, education has served as a basic channel for the establishment of members of society through the enlightenment of the mind which places individuals at an advantage in their daily activities. This education of the mind initially transmitted solely by mouth in the family and communities has evolved to western styled teaching, which is part of the package, of the evolution of societies. Western civilization is a product of evolutions from agrarian societies to information driven society and these evolutions have largely been supported and promoted by the education of the citizenry.  Education can thus be said to be a channel for the initiation of social change, when the creative abilities of citizens are harmonized to bring about a desired change. Smith (n.d) defines education as a process which comes with the realization of truth and the possibility of using such truth, to encourage people which, ultimately leads to discovery. This is supported by Dewey in Smith (n.d) who